Friday, August 8, 2008

Flick: 'Oceans Twelve'

I didn't think I would like this movie that much. I figured it would suffer from 'sequel-itis', meaning it would have too many elements of the original movie. It did to some degree, with all the main actors reprising their roles and the creation of an expected but plausible premise.

But halfway through the movie, there is a twist which just really works. So I ended up enjoying this movie pretty well. Still, the filmmakers only made this flick to make money, not to tell a good story. Julia Roberts is especially likeable, she truly has a presence on screen, and I think she steals this movie. Bruce Willis plays himself for laughs, and quite frankly, Catherine Zeta-Jones is gorgeous. This is a star movie, and it works, mostly.

3 out of 5 stars, but if you like the actors in the flick, you'll like it.

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