Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bike Ride: Monday, August 25, 2008

Rode at Flatwoods at lunch time, 13 mile round trip. Took it easy, just tried to spin easy circles. Felt tired during ride, not a good sign. Need to be more consistent about riding.

1 comment:

Eric Soyke said...

Tom, you need to start making up some great adventures that happen to you on these rides.

Like the time you were biking and ran over that snake and it bit you and your ankle swelled like a grapefruit and you had to cut it open with a house key you sharpened on the pavement and you sucked out the poison and then got dizzy from the poison but then found it was a decent buzz and started trapping said snakes and selling their milk to hippies at Dead shows? Remember that time? Tell us more of those.